
About Create-A-Mural


FREE STUFF!!!! To Use for Prizes and Giveaways on Your Social Media!
As we develop new products we like to give away free product so we can see how much people like it. We love to offer our New Products to our Influencers so they can run contests or use for themselves and send us photos & videos. 

1-New FREE Stuff Every Month!
To Sign Up for our Affiliate Program, which is 15%, 45 day cookies.

We want to build relationship with Influencers. We know just how much it takes
to build an audience, to create a space and build a business. We want to partner up with you. Do you have an idea? Let us help you! 

We are looking for influencers who have an audience filled with parents who want to decorate their children's room, DIY birthday parties, crafting for their kids room, etc. Create-A-Mural is a small kids room decor company and all of our products are made in the USA! We are looking for a few people who we can build with. We give you free products and $ through affiliate sales and back links to your channel, blog or website. We also will do an email blast featuring what you have done for us. At the bottom is what we need from you. Let's work together and bring some fun creative spirit to our children. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, we would LOVE to hear from you!

Looking for Influencers whose audience is:
>Mommy and Me 
>Kids Room Decorators
>Events -Birthday Parties, Showers

Look through our site and find a product which you would like to offer.
Or choose from the products below. 

We change out our offerings every month, so come back and see what is new that you can offer your audience. We offer a wide selection of products because we want you to be able to offer your audience what they like.

 boys wall decals  Coral Under Sea Wall Decals, Kids Wall Decals - Kids Room Mural Wall Decals  Butterfly Wall Stickers Purple Lilac & White -Girls Wall Decals

We are always looking to build relationships with people who have a blog, Instagram, Facebook or YouTube business and would like free product. We LOVE designing products for children, and LOVE to share them with people who LOVE their audience and sharing wonderful ideas and products with them. 

Sign up for our Influencer Giveaway Program and we will receive free products every month to promote on your channel. 

If you use our product and we will:
1-include you in our weekly email roundup 
2-(If approved) Link from our product page to your business etc
3-Include in our social media marketing 

Email us at: info@create-a-mural.com
>Influencer Product Samples in Subject line
>Name of product
>Your Name & Address
>How you will use our product
>What Platform you will use to display our product.
>Link to all of your Social Media/Website Platforms
>You have to use our product within 30 days.
  Either offer it in a contest/promo or use it and give us photos/video

After you giveaway EMAIL US 
>Link to Promotion
>Send us Images/Video 
>We will ship product to Winner

>Choose a product from our catalog email us and let us know
with "Crafting with Create-A-Mural" in the subject line.
>We will ship out to you. Craft within 30 days and we will give you $25 for a short crafting video. 
>An additional $15 for written craft document.
>Sign up as an Influencer post on Instagram, TikTok, FaceBook or Blog and receive 15% off all sales always! 
>If you have any great ideas let us know, we love working with creative people!